Residential Maintenance

Across 15+ years of septic service in the greater Lakeland, FL, region, Lakeland Septic Company has seen two types of septic system problems:

  1. Minor problems
  2. Major problems

And ironically, both types could have been prevented in most cases with proper septic system maintenance. It’s unfortunate that some septic installers never really help their customers understand what’s required to keep the system running smoothly and safely. It’s different at Lakeland Septic.

residential septic maintenance in Lakeland & Winter Haven FL

We’re a customer-centered company. We place a high value on helping our customers understand their septic systems and how to take the best care of them. Of course, we’re happy to help when there are problems, but we’re also happy when your septic system is working right and not getting in the way of your life.

With all that in mind, here are some tips for excellent septic system maintenance.

Schedule Inspections

One of our licensed septic inspectors will look over your entire system and spot early signs of problems. Areas we can examine include:

  • System filters and baffles
  • Septic tank structure
  • Soil around the tank
  • Connector pipes
  • Interior of the tank
  • Drain field
  • Lift station and alarm

Regularly scheduled septic system inspections, along with inspections whenever problems arise, can save you thousands of dollars in repair costs you’ll likely incur if you ignore your system and hope for the best.

Schedule Septic Tank Pumping

For most of our Lakeland-area customers, we recommend complete septic tank pumping every three to five years. The exact schedule will depend on the amount of waste and drainage your tank is being asked to handle.

Our crew uses commercial-grade equipment to pump out all sizes and styles of septic tanks, whether or not we installed them ourselves. During a tank cleaning, we also perform a visual inspection and let you know in simple language about other issues that need addressing. If a tank is allowed to become too full, major problems can occur. These include dangerous sewage backups in your home and yard as well as damage to parts and components of the septic system.

Keep an Eye (and a Nose) Out

Our crew will take care of the lion’s share of maintenance, but you have an important job, too. Your job is to watch and smell for signs that something isn’t working right and then alert us.

expert residential septic maintenance service in Auburndale & Mulberry

Don’t Harm Your Septic System

A lot of people don’t realize that septic tanks are not depositories for everything that will fit down a drain or toilet. The only things that should enter your septic tank are normal bodily waste, septic-approved bathroom tissue and water from plumbing pipes.

That means no:

  • Household chemicals – especially anti-bacterial agents
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Hair
  • Cigarette butts
  • Feminine products
  • Paper towels

Common Signs of Septic System Problems

Here are some of the more common problems we've seen:

  • Backing up of all sinks and tubs
  • Slow toilets or toilets that back up and overflow
  • Strong sewage odors in your home or outdoors near the septic system
  • Soggy ground above or near the septic tank or drain field
  • Lush grass and foliage growing above the system but nowhere else

As a licensed Florida septic service provider, Lakeland Septic is ready to help with septic tank pumping, system inspections, repairs, parts replacements and complete new septic system installs.

home septic maintenance in Bartow & Polk City FL

Call Your Lakeland Septic Experts Today

We do a lot of jobs, but our most important job is making our customers happy.

Reach a septic expert today at (863) 738-0504 or get in touch with our handy contact form.