Special Offers


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Lakeland Septic Company is offering a FREE year supply of enzyme additives with any pump out throughout the month of October! Our additives are specially blended and designed to improve and maintain your septic tank's performance. All you have to do is mention this deal to claim your free product!

What are Enzyme Additives?

Enzyme additives are treatments for your septic system that add bacteria to your septic tank. On a daily basis, people flush harmful materials down their toilet that end up killing the good bacteria in their septic tank. These bacteria help to break apart grease, foods, and other materials that cannot be broken down by water in the septic tank. Whenever these materials begin accumulating in your tank, a slew of problems will start to arise. Enzyme additives ensure that the good bacteria stays in your septic tank.

Here's a list of some common enzymes:

  • Lipase - manipulates the molecular structure of fats & grease and turns it into water.
  • Amylase - transforms starches into a soluble solution which then gets dissolved.
  • Protease - helps eliminate odor and liquefy solid waste.
  • Cellulase - breaks down the structure of solids that cannot biodegrade without sunlight.

Give us a call at 863-738-0504 or fill out our handy contact form to get scheduled with us or learn more about this great special.