Septic System Problems: Why They Happen, What to Do About Them

A well-built and properly installed septic system will serve you well for many years. But certain things along the way can cause problems that need to be addressed quickly and correctly.

Lakeland Septic Company of Lakeland, FL, would like to share a little about common septic problems and what should be done about them.

Professional septic cleaning and pumping in Winter Haven, FLSeptic System Overview

A modern septic system consists of several major components.

  • Septic tank: This is the container that collects waste drainage from the home.
  • Drain field: The part of the system that processes the liquid waste sent from the tank.
  • Lift station: A lift station helps move drainage when the home and the septic system are on different elevations on the property.
  • Baffles: These devices keep solid waste from moving from the tank to the drain field.
  • Drain pipes: Drain pipes connect the tank to the house.

When Your Septic System Isn’t Working Right

A variety of things can cause parts of a septic system to fail. Many failures can be prevented with regular inspections, maintenance and proper care of the system.

Here are nine common septic problems:

1. Tank Is Too Full

An overfull septic tank will cause sewage to back up into sinks, toilets and other drains.

2. Drain Field Is Crushed

Because drain fields are built fairly close to the ground surface, heavy vehicles driven over them can cause serious damage and backups in the system.

3. Soil Shifting

If the soil around the septic tank shifts, it can put pressure on the tank and lead to cracks and broken connections.

4. Invading Roots

Tree roots can destroy part of the tank and other components within the septic system.

5. Collapsed Baffles

When baffles collapse, an immediate blockage can happen that will cause solid waste and liquids to back up.

6. Foreign Materials In The Tank

Hair, paper towels, feminine products, diapers, grease and other materials should never be sent into the septic system. They can cause major blockages.

7. Tank Is Too Small

If the septic tank is too small to service your home, it will need to be pumped out more frequently to prevent backups.

8. Septic System Was Installed By Amateurs

Modern septic systems should be designed and installed by septic professionals to prevent a wide range of operational issues over time.

9. Old Age

No matter who installed your septic system, it will at one point need repairs and a possible replacement.

Signs Of Septic System Failure

Watch for:

  • Slow drains throughout the house
  • Toilets that flush sluggishly or back up
  • Sewage odors inside your home or outside near the tank
  • Soggy patches of ground near the tank or drain field
  • Extra-lush grass growing above the septic system

septic system maintenance in Plant City, FL

These are all signs that it’s time to call your septic company and schedule an inspection. This is necessary because many septic problems can be caused by multiple things, and you need to know the exact cause of the problems you’re experiencing.

Septic Tank Pumping and Inspections

Having your tank pumped out according to schedule and having the system inspected once a year are two of the best ways to prevent troubling backups, malfunction and system damage.

Proper use, as discussed above, is another key factor in keeping your septic system in great shape.

If it’s time to have your system looked at and serviced, Lakeland Septic is ready to get to work. Reach us by phone, or use our contact form to connect with a septic professional.